A communications union district is formed when two or more towns vote to create one. In the case of the ECVTD, the towns of Norwich, Randolph, Sharon, Strafford, and Woodstock approved identical warrant items on Town Meeting Day in March, 2015, in anticipation of legislation allowing for the formation of such districts passing later in the year. These votes were acknowledged and affirmed in Act 41, signed into law in May 2015, and the District was established on June 16, 2015 pursuant to the provisions of 24 VSA 82 “Communications Union Districts.” As provided by law, Selectboards of other towns could petition the District for membership, and during the course of the summer of 2015, the 18 towns that had also been party to the interlocal contract of 2008 under which ECFiber began operations were admitted to the District. In 2020, the District admitted 8 additional towns. Governance of the District is by its legislative body, the Governing Board, in which each town exercises one vote through an appointed representative. Below is a list of the member towns along with an email address link that will deliver the message to all delegates and alternates appointed to the board by the town Selectboards.